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Outreach at St. James Episcopal ChurchSt. James wichita
Outreach & Community at
St. James Episcopal Church
The St. James Outreach Committee serves several purposes: to sponsor projects benefiting community charities, to encourage community volunteerism, to provide some funding for four charities serving families and children in Wichita, and to send prayer cards to ill or grieving parishioners.

Annual Projects
Annual projects that we sponsor include American Red Cross blood drives; Undies Sundays to supply new underwear and diapers for the Wichita Children’s Home; water bottles for Breakthrough/ESS clients; school supplies for the Pando Initiative schools; blankets for Humankind Ministries shelters; Christmas food baskets and gifts for families served by Breakthrough, KCSL, and St. Francis Ministries; and sack lunches for people who are unhoused.
We encourage volunteers for United Way’s Read-to-Succeed program in the USD 259 elementary schools, for the Pando Initiative’s Reality U finance workshops, and for Breakthrough/ESS. We also recruit volunteers occasionally for events at St. Francis Ministries.
Pocket Change Ministry
Our Pocket Change Ministry periodically provides $500 checks for the Wichita Children’s Home, Kansas Children’s Service League, St. Francis Ministries, and Breakthrough/ESS. Since 2015, we have given these agencies more than $14,000.
Prayer Cards
When we learn of grieving or ill parishioners, we send prayer cards to them. We meet the fourth Tuesday of each month. Please consider visiting us! Chair: Judy Goodpasture, jgoodpasture@cox.net.