Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, you are welcome here.
Welcome to St. James Episcopal ChurchSt. James wichita
We Welcome You to St. James Episcopal Church.
We take seriously the instruction of St. Benedict, who told us to welcome guests as Christ himself. As a parish, we strive to be inclusive and welcoming to everyone who worships with us.
3750 E. Douglas Ave
Wichita, KS 67208
(316) 683-5686

A few recent comments from parishioners illustrate our values:
“I like the Episcopal Church in general because of its diversity of thought, yet unity in ritual/practice and in Christ. We show due reverence to God through the way we worship and treat our sacred spaces as well as how we treat other people and the world around us. Despite our differences, we can all gather around the same table and receive the same spiritual gifts from the same God. That’s pretty powerful! I love the people at St. James and how they beautifully embody these attributes.”
“I have loved how welcoming everybody is and how well everybody works together. They’re so inclusive instead of exclusive. That is really what has attracted me to the people of St. James.”
“ … we have felt genuinely welcomed, wanted, cared for, encouraged, and challenged from the moment we first walked through those red doors. Each Sunday we find new ways we can be living out the Gospel better in our community. We love that St. James actively is pursuing being the hands and feet of Jesus in Wichita …”
Become Part of Our Community at St. James Wichita
St. James is rooted in our beautiful worship services; exciting educational programs for children, youth, and adults; and our heart for reaching out to all people.
Our love of the Lord brings us together to not only worship, but to meet friends old and new. We welcome you to join us. If you are in need of prayer, please contact us at 316-683-5686 or office@stjameswichita.org, and we will be happy to pray for you.
We hope you will consider becoming a part of our church community and experience the sacred presence of Christ. Please know that wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here — from worship and study, to small groups and opportunities to serve the Church and others.
Get Started on Your Journey – Get to Know Us
Our Leadership
Get to know our clergy, leadership, and staff at St. James!
Learn with us – we offer educational opportunities for all ages.
Worship with us in person or online! All are welcome at St. James.
Engage with the community and our parish through various events. From volunteering, fundraising, and other community activities, the more the merrier!
View our calendar of events and get involved in all sorts of activities and events throughout the year!
Contact us, join us, worship with us, we’d love to connect!