Walk the Way of Love
St. James Wichita VBS
VBS 2020 Walk the Way of Love
The month of July was filled with VBS fun for the kids at St. James! Each week was filled with activities including bible stories, science, art, movement, mindfulness, and group activities; all centered around the 7 practices for a Jesus filled life. They learned how to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus by TURNing towards God’s love, by LEARNing about God’s love, by PRAYing with God, by WORSHIPping together, by BLESSing others, by GOing out to share about God’s love, and by RESTing in God’s eternal love for each one of them. We had mission activities to help gather items for the Kansas Children Service League’s programs involving kids. The kids met via Zoom weekly to show off their creations, play games, sing songs, and read The Very Best Day: The Way of Love for Children by Roger Hutchison. We kicked off VBS with an opening celebration and ended VBS with a closing celebration.