The Food of Eternal Life: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost 8/1/21

What a joyous occasion we are a part of this weekend, the baptism of Beckett Clark. Even though some or most of you here tonight won’t be present tomorrow at the baptism, you are a part of the community of St. James, and tonight you will remember and renew your own...

Poverty, Planet, Peace: Ninth Sunday after Pentecost 7/25/21

Many of you know that I lived in Hawaii before I went to seminary. I was raised a Presbyterian in Oklahoma. I came to the Episcopal Church as an adult, it was at Epiphany Church in Honolulu. When I began attending, I heard the prayer that says: “… galaxies, suns, the...

What Can You Do for God?: Eighth Sunday after Pentecost 7/18/21

The theme that struck me when reading about Jesus and the disciples for today is how humans are disposed to be self-impressed and how easily we forget the central role of God in our lives. The Sunday before last Mark told the story of Jesus at home in his hometown and...