What a joyous occasion we are a part of this weekend, the baptism of Beckett Clark. Even though some or most of you here tonight won’t be present tomorrow at the baptism, you are a part of the community of St. James, and tonight you will remember and renew your own...
Mama Kay was a survivor. As the family and remembered Kay together, one refrain I heard was something I already knew: Kay was a survivor. We know when we call someone a ‘survivor’ that they’ve been through some hard times. By the time we get to be a certain age, we’ve...
Many of you know that I lived in Hawaii before I went to seminary. I was raised a Presbyterian in Oklahoma. I came to the Episcopal Church as an adult, it was at Epiphany Church in Honolulu. When I began attending, I heard the prayer that says: “… galaxies, suns, the...
The theme that struck me when reading about Jesus and the disciples for today is how humans are disposed to be self-impressed and how easily we forget the central role of God in our lives. The Sunday before last Mark told the story of Jesus at home in his hometown and...
Global Faith in Action 1020 E English Street, Suite B, Wichita, KS 67211 (316) 269-0635 http://globalfaithinaction.org https://www.facebook.com/gfianow
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